Lowell, Massachusetts
Press & Media
LTC Channel
Artists of Lowell
episode 2
This interview was a complete delight and surprise. I was in my studio during Open Studios, and beautiful woman and a nice young man with a very large video camera came in. She introduced herself as Soumita Acharya from our local channel, Lowell Telecommunications Corp (LTC Channel) and asked if she could interview me. I was unprepared but happy to oblige. I am honored to have been chosen, to be able to support public access television as well as be supported by them. It's important to foster relationships and development in our community and LTC is making it happen! Thank you for all you do!!!
LTC Links
When Crystal Arnott came into my studio and asked if I would like to participate in the Lowell Humane Society's 2016 auction Paws For Celebration, I excitedly said yes! It was a pleasure to help out the country's first animal shelter with an Intro to Glass Fusing class for two.